Daily Archives: July 14, 2012

Arise! Women Protecting the Planet

“Arise! Women Protecting the Planet!” film capturing portraits stories of extraordinary women around the world coming together to heal the injustices against the Mother Earth, weaves together poetry, music, art and stunning scenery to create this hopeful and collective story that inspires all women to work on the Planet.

Earth Focus looks at the award-winning film Arise!, which documents the intellectual and spiritual insights that women from around the world bring to solving today’s environmental challenges. Mother/daughter filmmakers Lori Joyce, Candace Orlando, and Executive Producer Molly Ross share their experiences in the making of the film and profile four outstanding women environmental leaders: Winona La Duke, Executive Director of Honor the Earth; Vandana Shiva, Co-director of Navdanya in India; Majora Carter, an environmental justice advocate from New York City; and environmental health analyst, Dr. Theo Coburn.

originally posted by Vinanti Castellarin @ our jumelage site http://voicesofwomenworldwide-vowwtv.ning.com/” title=”VOWW-TV